Monthly Archives: April 2015

Fractal Admission

There’s nothing to see but fractals: fractals and fractal fragments – there is nothing else to see.
Misperception of this phenomenon trashes the fractal world.
We should avoid the practice of seeking permanence.
We should focus on fractal qualities.
The things we love about life the most are fractal beauties.
Fighting for permanence destroys fractal beauties.
Yes, there are numbers associated with fractals
but fractals extend far beyond our numbering.
Things are less complicated than most folks think.
The simplicities of repeated fractals extend beyond our imagination.
We need to acknowledge that we think in fractals,
everything in our minds is fractals,
not just the things around us that we perceive,
but everything that we think is fractals.
Our imaginations can diverge from the fractal patterns,
but when they do it becomes destructive, they produce no beautiful fruit.

Take a walk in the forest, an unkempt forest.
Notice how the locations and the growth patterns of the trees that are unkempt by people
are all in perfect order.
They are in a fractal pattern, beautiful.

We must learn how to rise to our optimum power
and then learn how to diminish and to yield to subsequent fractals.
The trees understand this.
They know how to grow up and then diminish without ever failing to give:
to receive what’s free and give what ever they collect.

I have collected.
And you may have it all.

We must never grow in arrogance.
We must resist believing things which are not true.
The world did not begin evolving one day and then another day claim it was complete.
Every aspect has always been evolving.

This does not mean that our imaginations should be thwarted.
But even our imagination should connect to fractal patterns that precede us.
This means no diminishment in creative extensions of ourselves.
It means far more creative, and far faster, and far more meaningful extensions
that are sometimes pretested and viable.
We do not know that there is any end of new things under the sun,
but the new things under the sun continue to evolve,
continue to make new things – always.
Arising from our fractal roots there is no end to what we may become.

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Filed under Poems