Contraction Timing

You were born yesterday,
and again this morning,
and again we hope tomorrow.

Why, I asked,
are babies born so naked,
with their water flowing to ground, and
their fire flowing to sky
so perfectly — so automatically?

It creates currents that form
the multi-vortical human mindscape
where every spin the now-ist sees
as yesterday’s pre-reality.

You can’t make the same sacred snapshot twice:
no matter how terminally indignant
the weekly pattern-monger’s habit,
Love remains the fulcrum and
always moves above a still.

It’s a fragile eternity that yields
an allergy to urgency,
no appetite for the Bantu fractal or
the circumdancing flower of homo-spiritus,
or the growing rampant glory of identity
taming the local lizard.

But we can see the buds on gravid branches
all watching in their special ways
to be the stone, the bird, the tree,
the proactive jazz blossoms,
the spin-bombs of living Logos
bringing on more contractions…

First published at vox poetica.


Filed under Contraction Timing

On an Apple Tree

I had a pleasant job when I was 16 working in a small, private greenhouse and cut-flower garden.  Immersion in floral rainbows and thick greenery each day delighted me then as it does now.  Behind the greenhouse was a small yard of luxuriant, thin-bladed grass with a carefully pruned, standard size apple tree growing in the midst of it.  About twenty-five feet tall and perhaps thirty feet across, this robust tree provided cool summer shade to the yard.  I enjoyed taking my lunch breaks in this yard, leaning against the apple tree.

During my lunch break one day, having already eaten my sandwich, I took a notion to climb the apple tree.  It was early Summer and the apples were still quite tiny and the leaves were nearing their full flush and strength.  I do not remember exactly why I needed to climb that day since I usually rested during my break.  I do recall that I liked to peer into the canopy when resting against the tree trunk. I had marveled at the patterns of filtered green light diminishing daily until the shade was almost complete from the converging growth.  From this perspective the canopy formed a flawless fractal flower of greenery evenly spread by its living fan of twigs, branches, limbs, and trunk.  I believe I simply could not resist being up into the thickness of that beauty.
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Filed under On an Apple Tree

Fiat Lux

(Let There Be Light)

Struck again by lightening
like there was no beginning,
no sending of a message,
no sublime presser of <Enter>.

Green is true and ever was
to imbue the shadows
where the hungry wait
to seal the fate of the choiceless.

The voiceless won’t be ever so:
things do grow — we’ve seen it now —
how time bestows ‘I am’ and sows
the seeds for was and will be.

It moves me, watching from the cusp,
this stammer-lisp of sea change,
to derange the old assumption,
gather gumption, and press on.

Only movement can be steered
by multi-tiered emotion
and children of the mindful wave
to save creative chaos.

We see loss when we venture near.
Things dear to us are tested,
vanities arrested in the tide
as pride subsides — is bested
by new visions for our verities,
new measures, marks, and similes,
new hopes, and dreams, and canopies
to shelter luminosities.

June 2008


Filed under Fiat Lux

The Transformative Power of Conversations 

    The Transformative Power of Conversations       
“To be in a field with magic in the middle transforms those that make up the field.”   ~ Finn Voldtofte  

Finn’s work on the transformative power of conversation has deeply shaped the development of World Cafe, and in thinking about a theme for the November Community World Cafe, we felt it might be time to sit with Finn’s inquiry together, as a global community.   So this month, we invite you to join colleagues from all over the world in sharing our experience and what we’ve learned through conversations that have transformed us, our life, and our work in one of the November “Transformational Conversation” Community Cafes.

The Asia-Pacific Community Cafe takes place on   Wednesday, November 23   ONLINE   8:30 – 11 am in New Delhi | 10am – 12:30 pm in Jakarta & Hanoi 11 am – 1:30 pm in Beijing | 12 – 2:30 pm in Tokyo 2 – 4:30 pm in Sydney | 4 – 6:30 pm Wellington  

Tuesday, November 22 7 – 9:30 pm in San Francisco | 5 – 7:30 pm in Honolulu    

REGISTER NOW      Fee: A sliding scale is offered. Let us know if the cost is a challenge. These Community Cafes are for all.    For Community Table subscribers: please use the code that you will find in the Community Table calendar.          new World Cafe logo     The World Cafe | Website     FacebookTwitterLinkedin     
The World Cafe Community Foundation | 336 Bon Air Center, Suite 149, Greenbrae, CA 94904 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by

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Filed under Transformative Conversations

= dialectic =

di·​a·​lec·​tic | \ ˌdī-ə-ˈlek-tik  \

Definition of dialectic

1 philosophy LOGIC sense 1a(1)

2 philosophy a: discussion and reasoning by dialogue as a method of intellectual investigation specificallythe Socratic techniques of exposing false beliefs and eliciting truth

b: the Platonic (see PLATONIC sense 1) investigation of the eternal ideas

3 philosophy the logic of appearances and of illusions the logic of fallacy the dialectic of Kant

4 philosophy a: the Hegelian process of change in which a concept or its realization passes over into and is preserved and fulfilled by its opposite alsothe critical investigation of this process
b: Marxism (1) usually dialectics plural in form but singular or plural in constructiondevelopment through the stages of thesis (see THESIS sense 4), antithesis, and synthesis (see SYNTHESIS sense 2b) in accordance with the laws of dialectical materialism (2): the investigation of this process (3): the theoretical application of this process especially in the social sciences

5 usually dialectics plural in form but singular or plural in construction philosophy a: any systematic reasoning, exposition (see EXPOSITION sense 2a), or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict a method of examining and discussing opposing ideas in order to find the truth b: an intellectual exchange of ideas

6 philosophy the dialectical tension or opposition between two interacting forces or elements Dialectic: Logic Through Conversation

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Everything Speaks

Everything speaks,
The breeze,
The hummingbirds,
The gardens,
The trees,
Birds, squirrels, bears, and bees.

There are seasons when everything speaks,
that is – seasons when I hear them well –
Times when I see there is only one story being told and true,

These are poetry moments.

Then there are times when I can only listen to their voices,
and not speak.

Recognizing the timber of truth
But unable to discern their words.
I walk slowly and listen
and let them heal me.

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Beings Talk

Transformation by Dialectic

Beings talk o’er tea in my backyard,
(An axe-free zone, you know.)
Without a care we can share our heart
In the yard where beanstalks grow.

Rest assured there was a row
When I first did the deed:
Trading up our holy cow
For the ugliest of seed.

But I would not exchange my lot
For a herd of fat bovine,
While communing in my yard, I got,
And is what I hold divine.

In here
We defy the demons
Of the strangled world
Out there.
We trade in cryptic currencies
And give time a little air.

The calculus of becoming
Is how we count our blessings
And inspirations aren’t exhaled,
But shout, “Credendo Vides!”

Beings talk o’er tea in my backyard,
(It’s an axe-free zone, you know.)
Without fear, here we share our heart
In the yard where the beanstalks grow.

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05/29/2020 · 10:10 am

The Death of Merlin

What now is,
What may become,
And the lever betwixt and between
Whose grip Love alone can fit
To move and lift from fate to grace.

A place to stand she offers him,
The lever he reveals to her.
As one hand they honest grip and stand
And fulcrum Time at their command,
The mountain moves into the sea.

The painted circle spins, but not in-place,
Seasons return, but not to where they left,
Never back to here again,
Where the lever works but once upon fresh manna.

That elusive living lever —
That betrays both shield and spear,
That melts into the mist when less than Love draws near.
There are no lines that lead to it,
No circle passes through it.
Yet it waits for us beyond all secrets
Where Love’s vision never fails
And death is no farewell.


~~~ Dedicated to Paul Squires ~~~


Filed under The Death of Merlin

Special Assessment – Take 1

I want to begin sharing something with you that is a work in progress.  There is much more that I want to add, but I am having trouble getting to it.

Core Perceptions

Your responses are quite welcome and may encourage the work to continue sooner. Questions are especially welcome !




Filed under Patterns and the Seeming Chaos, Patterns Matter, Special Assessment - Take 1


Our inattention to the familiar
Makes us walk faster and faster
Until we notice far too little.

We too often create memetic sabotage
within the song of nature,
missing the story being told
by all forms in their eternal transitions.

Yet … Yet … Yet …

This, too, is part of the story.
The evolution and personal development of consciousness.

Shells keep getting broken
as eggs hatch.


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Filed under Poems

The Architecture of Water – Book Release Day


The Architecture Of Water, a collection of poetry written and compiled by the late and great Brisbane poet Paul Squires, is now available for purchase.


Paul originally submitted this manuscript to the judges of the 2010 Arts Queensland Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize for an Unpublished Manuscript; the prize, had he been successful, $3000 and a publishing contract with University of Queensland Press. Sadly, Paul died a few weeks after submitting it, but not before indicating that he would like to self-publish it (or possibly an alternate version) if it proved unsuccessful with the judges.

For the many of us who were touched by the beauty and intelligence of Paul’s work, and by his generosity of spirit, The Architecture Of Water will be an essential purchase and the truth of this will be self-evident. For those who are newcomers you might be asking, “Why should I buy this book, and…

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We Develop Fractally – We Have No Choice

Our minds develop fractally.

We learn things constantly from the time we are born, and even before, all our lives. We learn one thing after another. Just like Piaget’s “disequilabration” we learn things and then we learn that the things that we learned aren’t exactly accurate or are not even remotely accurate and we subdivide them. The things that we learn get refined and get differentiated as we develop fractally like the limbs and branches and twigs of a tree. And that’s just the of above-ground parts of the trees. There’s the unconscious aspect of below-ground parts of  trees, too. We learn things and they tend to be more true to us as they tend to be more in tune with other pertinent parts of life.

One of our major difficulties is embracing the unlearning of things that we determine are not true. When that occurs we have to backtrack through what we learned and find out where it veered away from truth. And then look at the rest of the things that we have learned to find out how they fit more fully into the things that are true. Learning how to abandon areas of thought that have a basis in untruth is a very difficult thing. It is difficult for us to let go of areas of things that we have considered to be our knowledge of the world. We then need to reattach ourselves in new ways to the things that are true. We need to discover the importance of the things that are true and learn how they support our lives in deeper ways than we at first acknowledged.

Many of us die still having many untruths embraced. But that’s the way of life. That’s the way of many fractals. If they continue too long it becomes socially accepted, socially believed untruths. A commitment to the discovery of truth in the midst of the difficulties of discovery is one of the highest callings for humankind.

A major difficulty in the realm of discovery and acceptance of truth is social acceptance. It can be difficult to convince people that you love them even though they believe things that are not true. Love is the central key. To love folks as they change is important. To love folks whatever their level of beliefs are is critical. It’s important to learn how to share what you see as being true with people without a focus on confronting the untruths that they believe.

People tend to identify with the things that they believe. They will tend to identify more tightly with things that are less substantial, less evidential, and less provable. So when we share things with folks we need to learn how to share what we see in a broad way and come down to details later. If we share what we see in a broad way they can entertain them. They can assess them over time. They can compare them with what they believe. Then they can make decisions during their life. It’s important not to think of contesting people in a way that  directly contests their identity. They can consider things over time and we need to allow them time.

Everything changes. It’s unstoppable. The study of consciousness is of critical importance. It surrounds our lives irreversibly and continually moving, continually growing. There are sicknesses that occur when we reach impasses. We often reach points where the things that we are thinking may be true hit an impasse socially, when we cannot share in a way that is receivable for other people. It’s important that we share what we think we see. The truth is that we must live in a way that allows us to prove things with others. It’s important that we love ourselves and love the people around us regardless of levels of consciousness. This gives us all a more open-ended freedom to grow. The more we learn to do this individually and with our friends the more it becomes a social norm. This is the social norm that we need to be focused on.

You may reasonably ask,  “How do I determine what’s true.”  Well, there are a variety of ways. One critical way is the way that science is developing. It’s important to make a distinction between science and technology. Technology tends to be more market oriented. Science should not be, although it often is, market oriented. The discoveries of new ways to determine whether a scientific theory or scientific hypothesis even is true or not is a critical use of technology. So, in that sense, technology is of high value. Technology via science is the means by which we expand our perceptions. It’s a means by which we expand our perception of reality throughout the electromagnetic array of the reality that surrounds us.

We are born with a rather limited set of perceptability that allow us to assess our immediate reality and determine who we are, what we need to do, and what is real. Learning how to make use of extended perceptions of reality is critical to us. Each of us must determine what we can trust, what perceptions we can trust. We have to determine what tests of perceptions we can trust. We can find the means to assess reality in a way that is deeply meaningful. We do not need to doubt our desire for deep meaning. We can assess deep meaning substantially. We can build a lively connection with reality that is fully satisfying.

The capacity to continually change our minds is of critical importance. We need to constantly test what we think we know. We need to learn how to discover that something we thought was true probably is not. And also learn to confirm things we had entertained in our thoughts to be actually true, probably. We need to let things have tests. We need to hold things in our minds in a way that makes them readily testable. And we need to learn how to release them when we discover that there was insufficient basis.

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Filed under Poems, We Develop Fractally - We Have No Choice